Search Results for Cory Maye,2024:/mt//feed/Cory Maye 2024-05-17T14:43:47Z Movable Type 4.21-en 8 1 8 Links and Minifeatures 2008 05 08 Thursday,2008://3.4013 2008-05-08T22:50:00Z 2008-05-08T22:47:46Z Dan Melson FYI: Fannie and Freddie have changed things a bit, and now the temporary Jumbo Conforming Loan rates have dropped like a rock, to the point where there's only a quarter to a half point difference in cost between them... Links and Minifeatures 10 06 Friday,2006:/~searchli//3.2453 2006-10-07T03:26:16Z 2007-09-21T19:31:44Z Dan Melson RINO Sightings ********** Waah, waah, waah! Foley says he was abused by a clergyman The appropriate thing to do is tell someone about it and get help, not turn around and victimize others. How long was this sicko a congress... Keeping Silent,2006:/~searchli//3.2355 2006-08-04T18:42:28Z 2007-09-18T04:20:38Z Dan Melson Via Politburo Diktat, Ace of Spades has a good explanation for the terminally outraged on how the government is sometimes not lying to you, it's lying for you. But I do think one of his examples was weak. Not the... Links and Minifeatures 05 18 Thursday,2006:/~searchli//3.2244 2006-05-19T01:51:04Z 2007-09-16T18:36:49Z Dan Melson Carnivals Carnival of The Vanities Recommended: Fearless Philosophy (Cory Maye) Carnival of The Capitalists Recommended: Professor Bainbridge (amending Sarbanes-Oxley) Insureblog (how transparency in medical billing is important) ********** Okay So I'm Not Really a Cowboy has an excellent article about... Links and Minifeatures 02 01 Wednesday,2006:/~searchli//3.2109 2006-02-02T05:17:32Z 2007-09-13T21:54:19Z Dan Melson Carnival of Liberty. Recommended: Fearless Philosophy (I don't agree 100% but it's worth reading), The Sharpener, Eidelblog and again Eidelblog Carnival of The Vanities. Recommended: Play One on TV ********** Q and O has the goods on Iran wanting to... Links and Minifeatures 12 22 Thursday,2005:/~searchli//3.2048 2005-12-23T04:51:48Z 2007-09-11T23:32:59Z Dan Melson Mister Snitch has the idea for a Best Posts of 2005. ********** Q and O has more on whether the President's surveillance was legal. I am not qualified to pass judgment on the legality. I am qualified to say it... Links and Minifeatures 12 13 Tuesday,2005:/~searchli//3.2033 2005-12-14T01:46:45Z 2007-09-11T23:01:36Z Dan Melson The Agitator has coverage on Cory Maye's gun. Now the cops are saying it's unregistered. If this hasn't come out before now, they have just convinced me that they screwed up and Maye is innocent. It's the first Agitator has... Links and Minifeatures 12 11 Sunday,2005:/~searchli//3.2030 2005-12-12T00:58:29Z 2007-09-11T22:52:29Z Dan Melson It looks from a Google and Yahoo result that I'm coming to this one late, but it's still worth hitting. HT to Owner's Manual (an article worth reading) for turning me on to a story at The Agitator about a...